realms
Between
geometry
and
nature,
each
kingdom
is
a
repertoire
of
shapes,
metaphors,
sounds
that
pass
through
the
image.
With
Murals,
the
wall
reconfigures
the
concept
of
limit
and
opacity,
projecting
subtle
universes
that
make
the
way
of
inhabiting
space
dense
collections
Choose
your
story.
Each
Murals
collection
reinterprets
themes
of
the
past,
projecting
them
into
the
future
of
wallpapers,
through
the
tools
of
digital
design
and
the
latest
printing
technologies
patterns
Captivating
color
ranges
transfigure
the
same
story
just
as
the
tone
of
voice
can
give
different
meaning
to
the
same
words.
Play
with
the
color
combinations
that
best
define
your
personality